You're Never Going To Believe This But Seth Rogan Went On Jimmy Fallon To Brag About Getting High...Again

Listen, I like Seth Rogan. I really do. He's the comedic brains behind some of the most formative movies of my adolescence. But if I have to listen to him talk about getting high one more time I may blow my brains out. I don't even know if I'm allowed to say that on the blog, but I'm going to because that's how passionate I am. It's like, does he do anything else? Literally anything at all? And yeah weed is his brand but it's exhausting. 

That said, the montage they put together of Seth "enjoying the Adele concert" was hilarious. Just clearly stoned to the bone trying to act normal...

And to his credit there were a TON of celebrities there. Lizzo, Drake, Leonardo DiCaprio, Selena Gomez, OPRAH. I can't get high and walk down the street, so the fact that he was able to hold it together in that setting was impressive to say the least. I guess that's what comes with smoking weed all day everyday- composure. You know what? I've changed my mind…good for Seth. I just did a complete a complete 180 over the course of this blog. Keep on smokin' buddy. And don't you dare stop talking about it. Now here's Seth at his best. Enjoy…






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